Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Give Back - Utah Tap

As I was driving into work this morning I heard a news report on, you guessed it, KUER on Utah joining the Tap Project AND I saw this on Black*Eiffel, so I knew I had to post on this amazing project.

Unicef created the Tap Project to supply clean drinking water around the world. Give a dollar for your water at participating Tap Project restaurants and provide a child with 40 days of safe driving water, or make a five-dollar donation by sending a text message with the word "TAP" to 864233.

Utah Tap :: Here's to the World from Mike Morris on Vimeo.

Mike Morris: Art / Motion
Tommy Currit : Art
Chris Rodriguez : Art
Billy Reano : Art
Logan Tanner: Copy
Music: "Mother Nature" by McKay Stevens

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