Monday, May 18, 2009

Salt Lake Bees

Yesterday we went to see the Salt Lake Bees. It's been a long time since B and I have gone and it was a first for W and J. We met W's scout troop there. Although it was a small turnout for the troop we had a great time. W and J's grandparents joined us and they selected great seats in the shade. I was so happy about this since it was 85 degrees! Next time you need a great family outing think about going to see a ballgame and if your kiddos are REALLY into baseball they can join the Knothole Club!

1 comment:

epd said...

Great idea, Katherine! We went last year on a hot June Sunday, and made the mistake of sitting in the outfield on the lawn. I will not make that mistake again, we'll be splurging for seats on the 1st base line next time! :)