Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Backyard Vegetable Garden

Squash Seedling
We finally got around to planting our vegetable and fruit garden! This year we decided to grow our plants from seed. Some were successful such as the peas, pumpkins, corn, and watermelon. Other's were not, so we ended up buying the plants. B and I decided that we would still try to grow them from seed next year but just start 2 months earlier.

We should be finished today and I'll share pictures once it's all planted and post updates on how everything is growing. We planted a lot of new veggies and fruit this year and some repeat from last year.

Here is our list:
Anaheim Peppers
Bell Peppers - 2 varieties: Red and an almost Maroon/Black variety
Red Leaf Lettuce
Swiss Chard
Potato - 3 varieties: fingerling, blue, and Yukon gold
Tomato - 2 varieties TBD. I am getting these from my fabulous neighbor R who has 60 varieties of tomatoes alone! She has a garden that is to die for!

I'm especially excited because a bunch of our neighbors are also doing vegetable and fruit gardens. It's been fun to share seeds, ideas, and the excitement of the summer and fall harvest. It's also a great joy to share this with W and J. They have enjoyed planting their seeds and watering the plants in the evening. Who am I kidding, they also love to play in the water and get dirty.

Next on the list is setting up a compost in the backyard in the garden. Check back from time to time to check the progress! Let me know what you're planting!

NOTE: Image via Flickr

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